About CBD Products

CBD is legal in all 50 states. The FDA considers hemp and hemp-derived extracts to be food-based products. As such, there are no legal restrictions on their importation, production, sale or consumption in the United States, as well as most of the industrialized world. Hemp oil is legal in over 40 countries around the world. Hemp oil is consumed by millions of people around the world, and this number is rapidly rising as an increasing number of studies explore the potential health benefits from hemp.

CBD also known as “cannabidiol” is an extract from hemp, a commonly used term for strains of the cannabis sativa plant with very low levels of THC. Hemp is used in a wide range of every day products in the United States and the rest of the world.

Orders and returns

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You can contact our customer support team by provided email or mobile phone. In case, it’s not convenient to talk, you can come to our store to make your request.

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